by rock-climbing enthusiast
Founded by rock-climbing enthusiast

It all started with a climbing rope and a pulley.

Born from the shared passion of rock climbing enthusiasts from France and Japan in 2018, Topologie envisions the perfect harmony of form and function in climbing gear. The brand stands as a testament to the fusion of functional beauty and urban lifestyle, crafting everyday wares with the sophisticated flair of Franco-Japanese fashion.

We craft everyday wares to make urban life better, elegantly.
We craft everyday wares to make urban life better, elegantly.

At the core of Topologie's ethos is a co-design concept, leading to the birth of the Topologie Wares System™, an innovative concept integrating style and functionality. Today, Topologie Wares System™ offers over 120 interchangeable straps of all styles and sizes, and more than 1,000 product combinations, empowering urban travellers to co-create and curate unique carry essentials, while keeping their daily gear close.

Topologie has expanded its presence to over four regions and countries across the globe, establishing retail stores in Paris,Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong and more. The brand has also teamed up with global artists and labels from various sectors, unlocking a world of limitless possibilities.

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